Frequently Asked Questions
Can run Ad for which websites and pages?
Only domains, web, landing pages, pages that have been approved and registered can run ads. Later, you can register for new websites and pages.
What type of account is this?
This is Invoice granted by facebook to the agency, this type of account does not use a card.
Why deposit $500?
This is the amount to ensure that in the process of running, customers comply with AdsFly Agency’s regulations as well as facebook’s policies. This amount will be refunded immediately after the end of the contract. In case the customer intentionally violates, it will disable Ads Account. AdsFly Agency will support the resistance, if not, the deposit will be deducted
How is the $200 account opening fee calculated?
This is a mandatory fee when opening a new account. This fee will not be refunded after the end of the contract.
In case the account dies not due to a policy violation, how to handle it?
In case the account dies not due to a policy violation, not due to the fault of the customer, AdsFly Agency will first appeal to the account, if not, it will issue a new account and transfer the entire amount in the old account to new account. There will be no cost to the customer
What is the USD exchange rate?
Will fluctuate around 25.000 vnđ or + 2%
$200 deposit for 1 account or for 5 accounts?
For each account opening, the deposit will be $500, customers who open 1 account or 3 accounts or 5 accounts will deposit $500.
Only domains, web, landing pages, pages that have been approved and registered can run ads. Later, you can register for new websites and pages.
This is Invoice granted by facebook to the agency, this type of account does not use a card.
This is the amount to ensure that in the process of running, customers comply with AdsFly Agency’s regulations as well as facebook’s policies. This amount will be refunded immediately after the end of the contract. In case the customer intentionally violates, it will disable Ads Account. AdsFly Agency will support the resistance, if not, the deposit will be deducted
This is a mandatory fee when opening a new account. This fee will not be refunded after the end of the contract.
In case the account dies not due to a policy violation, not due to the fault of the customer, AdsFly Agency will first appeal to the account, if not, it will issue a new account and transfer the entire amount in the old account to new account. There will be no cost to the customer
Will fluctuate around 25.000 vnđ or + 2%
For each account opening, the deposit will be $500, customers who open 1 account or 3 accounts or 5 accounts will deposit $500.